In accordance with section 13.1, of the Constitution of the Essendon District Netball Association;
The Association must, at least once in each calendar year and within three months after the end of each financial year of the Association, call an Annual General Meeting of its members.
Please see attached notice for the Essendon District Netball Association’s upcoming Annual General Meeting. EDNA 2025 AGM NOTICE
Please note, this meeting will be held:
Wednesday 19th February Riverside Netball Pavilion 7:30pm (Sign-in from 7:00pm)
Key information within the attached notice;
Nominations for Office Bearers must be submitted before the meeting on the following link: https://form.jotform.com/250297036528864 (Office Bearer Nominations section of form will close on the 5th February 14 days prior to AGM)
Notification of Club Delegates/Life Members who will be attending the AGM should be submitted via the AGM Registration Form: https://form.jotform.com/250297036528864
Items of general business can be submitted before the meeting via the AGM Registration form: https://form.jotform.com/250297036528864
Should you have any AGM questions, please ensure they are submitted via the AGM registration form prior to the commencement of the meeting, or email administrator@essendondna.com.au