Essendon District Netball Association is a child safe association, we are committed to providing a safe environment for children in netball and we follow the principles and benchmarks Netball Victoria has in place.
As an association we agree to Netball Victoria's Commitment to Child Safety.
Netball Victoria's Child Safe policy and Child Safety Code of Conduct can be found here:
All members of our netball community are involved in making our competition child safe, including: parents, coaches, umpires, officials, spectators and administrators. For further resources click the link that represents you:
Netball Victoria has asked all clubs and associations to review themselves against the 11 child safe standards, see what EDNA is doing for each standard below:
Standard 1: Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
EDNA is committed to the cultural safety of all our participants including First Nations children. We acknowledge country on our website and at the start of all meetings and ensure a welcoming online environment for any First Nations participants and families.
At EDNA racism is not tolerated, any instances of racism will be dealt with appropriately and can be raised through either our formal complaints process or emailed confidentially to childsafety@essendondna.com.au.
Standard 2: Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.
EDNA's public commitment to child safety is on our website, regular social media posts, on signage displayed on match day and is a regular agenda item at committee meetings.
The EDNA committee holds quarterly child safety meetings to keep clubs and members engaged and up-to-date with child safety issues.
Netball Victoria Codes of Conduct and EDNA's child safety introduction document are available for all and are given to new staff and volunteers as part of induction. These are available for clubs to use as well.
Standard 3: Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.
Information about child safety in available on our website, displayed on signs on match day and in regular social media posts.
EDNA has formed a Junior Leadership group to engage and empower our junior participants including players, coaches and umpires. We have representatives from most of our clubs and they discuss child safety as well as contribute ideas and feedback to the committee. The group meets once a quarter and are invited to present their feedback to the EDNA committee.
Standard 4: Families and communities are informed, and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
EDNA is run by an association of clubs so all clubs can contribute to decision making about our competitions. Families and communities are kept informed through regular social media posts, information is distributed from the association through to club leaders.
On match day participants, including players, umpires, spectators, coaches and club officials have access to match day officials and supervisors and are welcome to discuss any issues. Feedback or issues are also welcome to be raised through emails and the child safety form on the website.
Standard 5: Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.
All staff and volunteers are given information on child safety, including awareness of young people's diverse circumstances. Induction document highlights importance of treating all children equitably and also educated around factors that can increase risk of child abuse and process to report if necessary.
All children are supported to participate as best as possible, including an inclusive uniform policy and a flexibility to allow for exemptions to encourage participation where possible.
Standard 6: People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
All staff and volunteers including coaches, umpires and match day staff come from our EDNA community. All staff over 18 are required to have a current working with children's check.
All staff and volunteers are given information about our child safe policy and codes of conduct communicated both through a training session and written information.
An induction document for all new starters can be used by EDNA and clubs which provides links to all policies, codes and also where to find more information and training.
Standard 7: Processes for complaints and concerns are child focused.
Development of a child safety complaints process is currently underway.
All child safety issues can be emailed to childsafety@essendondna.com.au and will be dealt with complete confidentiality.
Child safety anonymous form on our website and social media where issues can be raised by anyone. All child safety complaints and concerns are taken seriously.
Standard 8: Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
All new volunteers and staff are given a child safety induction information sheet including details on the child safety and wellbeing policy and practices. The also includes information on recognising signs of harm, and the child safety complaints or concerns process.
At the start of each season Team Managers and Coaches are invited to a pre-season briefing which includes child safety policies and practices at EDNA.
Netball Victoria's quarterly training sessions and Play by the Rules training and information is also shared to our netball community.
Standard 9: Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.
Child safety information is promoted on social media and our website. All online communication that involves children is supervised by parents/ guardians and adults in a position of responsibility.
Standard 10: Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is regularly reviewed and improved.
Child safety meeting are held quarterly to review how clubs and the association are tracking with the child safe standards. This is also an opportunity for any new updates or training to be reviewed and shared. Child safety is an agenda item on all committee, thunder and administration/ operations meetings.
The Child Safety review and action plan have been completed and will be reviewed at these meetings. A Junior Leadership Group has been formed to also review child safety at the association.
Standard 11: Policies and procedures document how the organisation is safe for children and young people.
Netball Victoria's commitment to child safety and child safety policy is available on our website, along with child safety information both from Netball Victoria and written in plain language by EDNA. The info sheets for specific members of the community are also available.
Match day officials are part of the child safety working group.
On match day child safety information is available on signage around the venue.